

Introduction from the Lord Mayor

The Lord Mayor’s Appeal’s strategic aim is to create A Better City for All that is inclusive, healthy, skilled and fair.  We deliver an impact in the City that transforms lives.  During 2023, in addition to funds raised for its partner charities, The Appeal’s thought leadership initiatives Power of Inclusion, This is Me, We Can Be and City Giving Day have continued to offer excellent learning, development and engagement opportunities for employees across the Square Mile and beyond.

The Appeal has just come to the end of its partnership with The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award which it has supported since 2020. We are delighted to share the impact of that support for The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in this report. The work has been transformational for many young people offering future generations the skills and confidence to take them further in both their life and employments. We wish them well for the future.

The Trustees and I are extremely grateful for all the support we have received from corporate partners, livery companies and individuals which has enabled us to deliver significant financial benefit to our three charities. We all look forward to continuing to work towards a City that is more inclusive, healthy, skilled and fair.

 Michael Minelli signature

Alderman Professor Michael Mainelli
The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor of the City of London

The Lord Mayor of the City of London

We are proud to have supported National Numeracy for two years and MQ Mental Health Research for one and look forward to continuing to work with them both in 2024.  

National Numeracy are helping to improve employability and financial inclusion by supporting thousands of Londoners to build confidence, skills and positive attitudes to basic numeracy.   Their campaign Every Londoner Counts has now recruited over 200 numeracy champions who are doing valuable work across many communities. 

MQ Mental Health Research work to find solutions for mental health issues is essential.   The Cost of Living report set out a number of excellent recommendations and the work that is being undertaken with GALENOS is ground breaking and will change the future of research in this area, with hopes of speeding up global mental health research by two to three years.

I very much look forward to seeing what more we can achieve with these two inspirational charities and look forward to working with them in 2024.    

 Alderman Nick Lyon Signature

Alderman Nicholas Lyons

A photo of Alderman Nicholas Lyons

We are delighted to be welcoming Homewards – A Royal Foundation programme as our new charity partner and look forward to working with them.  

Earlier this year Prince William and The Royal Foundation launched Homewards; a transformative five year programme that aims to demonstrate that together, it’s possible to end homelessness – making it rare, brief and unrepeated.  The Lord Mayor’s Appeal will support this work through funds, collaboration and connections. 

Alderman Alastair King

A photo of Alderman Alastair King

Our charity partners

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