9 September Our City Giving Day Countdown Breakfast is a hit!
17 March
Leading Lights: Blake Morgan
City Giving Day is good for your business
City Giving Day is important for Blake Morgan in London as it helps us give something back to the City, the place where our staff work every day. As a firm we are proud to support our charities and communities and the fact so many of our staff undertake fundraising for charity, using their volunteering day to make a difference. City Giving Day provides us the opportunity to engage with local businesses to host fundraising initiatives that involve our communities and our wider networks. It has a real social aspect which is great on so many levels for our staff and the business. Since becoming involved in the Lord Mayor's Appeal a few years ago, we have been astounded by the commitment the City has for giving back, its so inspiring to see. Last year we were also very proud to win the award for 'best collaboration' with DMH Stallard, a business also in New Street Square. City Giving Day also allows clients to engage in our charity work, encouraging them to be a part of our fundraising. It really helps create a better place for our staff to work, plus our clients and network sense it too – the feel good factor you get from a very successful day of passionately fundraising. The pressure is now on to come up with an idea for City Giving Day 2020 on 22 September.
Helen Bunker, Partner, Blake Morgan
City Giving Day is good for your employees
Our City Giving Day consisted of us hosting a (very soggy) mini-golf course in collaboration with other companies in New Street Square. It was a great way to demonstrate to other firms the fundraising we do for charity whilst meeting lots of new people to share fundraising ideas. The day helps all of us to get involved with our charity partner and understand how to utilise our volunteering day. We raised money for many great causes!
Vicky Bills, CSR Champion, Blake Morgan
City Giving Day is good for your charity partners
“Dementia UK are pleased that their corporate partners are taking part in this great initiative that showcases their support for us, creates awareness of our work and helps engage colleagues in fundraising in the City.” Dementia UK