17 February This is Me talks to the CEO of Life Begins at Menopause
7 March
National Numeracy releases their 2022 Impact Report
Our charity partner National Numeracy recently released thier 2022 impact report highlighting the work they've done in the past year to build the nation's number confidence and skills. Coming at a time when number know-how is essential to navigating the rising cost of living with 45% of men and 63% of women only have the numeracy level expected of a primary school-age child, being confident with numbers is more vital than ever.
National Numeracy CEO Sam Sims says, "In our 10th Anniversary year, we broke the one million barrier for the first time, seeing 1,068,080 engagements with people in our work in 2022 – a 28% increase on the year before. From families navigating the cost-of-living crisis and businesses searching for skilled staff, to communities recovering from the pandemic, the advantages of being confident with numbers could not have been more compelling. We are enormously proud to have supported so many during such a challenging year, particularly those in disadvantaged communities where the need is greatest."
"From families navigating the cost-of-living crisis and businesses searching for skilled staff, to communities recovering from the pandemic, the advantages of being confident with numbers could not have been more compelling than in 2022"
Taking place every November, last year's Number Confidence Week saw 89,975 actions towards building confidence with numbers, more than four times as many as in 2020; while National Numeracy's National Numeracy Challenge registrations hit 70,146. With the launch of the UK's first ever nationwide conversation around numeracy on TV and radio, The Big Number Natter, taking place for last year's National Numeracy Day - the charity was able to reach over 300 million people, was mentioned in the media 350 times in 2022 and even had #nationalnumeracyday trending Number 1 in the UK.
In 2022, National Numeracy's ‘Every Londoner Counts’ initiative, funded by the Lord Mayor’s Appeal, offered Numeracy Champion training to the Adult Education teams in 33 London boroughs, with thousands of Londoners completing the National Numeracy Challenge or taking part in our workshops. As a result 552 Londoners said they feel better prepared to get into or on at work or to better manage their finances. 1,226 individuals from the London area have improved their numeracy since engaging with our resources and workshops. The charity also took number positivity onto the streets of London as part of the Lord Mayor’s Show in November 2022.
"I felt that a switch had been flicked. I could now see why numbers were important and that I had been using numbers all my life in work and personal life."
From managing budgets or getting on in careers or achieving self-improvement goals, the report showcases stories from people who have benefitted from National Numeracy's vision for everyone in the UK to get on with numbers so they can get on in life. This includes National Numeracy Champion and Every Londoner Counts beneficiary Mark Shaw, who spoke at The Lord Mayor's Appeal's Impact Reception about his numeracy journey after being diagnosed with dyslexia and dyscalculia after years of struggling at school. He says, "I felt that a switch had been flicked. I could now see why numbers were important and that I had been using numbers all my life in work and personal life."
Read National Numeracy's 2022 Impact Report here
Watch National Numeracy Champion Mark Shaw's speech at The Lord Mayor's Appeal Impact Reception here